Dhammachai Day, the Day of the Declaration of Victory: 27th August
O devas of Pha Dam! Be my witness. I, wearer of these saffron robes, the banner of the enlightened Arahants, plant this banner of war here in my heart, the banner of the Supreme Dhamma that is free from cruelty
Looking After Our Extended Family.
All trees living together in the woods can live for a long time because each of them helps bump against a storm together.
I dreamt of Luang Phu
An audience had dreamt of Luang Phu before she has gone to the temple. What has caused her to dream of Luang Phu?
Examples of the outcome of Merit:
1. A long life because one did not kill in the past 2. Freedom from illness because one did not treat animals badly or cause them distress
การตั้งค่าการรับชม DMC ผ่านกล่องรับสัญญาณต่างๆ
การตั้งค่าการรับชม DMC ผ่านกล่องรับสัญญาณต่างๆ GMM HD สีขาว, GMM HD สีดำ , GMM mini , PSI OK
Satellite Direction
Tibetan Healing Sound Instruments Mysteriously Alter Space, Mind, Time
พระพุทธรูปปางไสยยาสน์ที่ใหญ่ที่สุดใน Dong Thap
Son Must Not Receive Heritage
He was born with a scar on the left chest. When everyone in the family saw the scar, they suddenly knew that he was reborn from the previous life but did not know whom. When he saw my uncle and my aunt, he called them father and mother. No one believed that he was my uncle and aunt’s son that was reborn.